Main » Nonfiction-publisher » Trends of the Future: Risks, Opportunities, Tasks » Dependences
Наталия Юдина

Citation (orcid: 0000-0002-1730-9341):

Yudina N. Dependencies in Information Society and Management of Consumers’ Behavior. Marketing Specialists’ Responsibility [Electronic resource] / N. Yudina // Trends of the Future: Risks, Opportunities, Tasks : Collection of Materials of the Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference, Kyiv, December 23th, 2016 / [compiler L. I. Yudina]. – Кyiv, 2016. − Access mode : − ISBN 978-966-97581-3-2.

Dependencies in Information Society and Management of Consumers’ Behavior.
Marketing Specialists’ Responsibility

Brand-management tools foster special scenarios of consumer behavior in mindsets of the target audiences. Such scenarios are schemes of “right” thoughts (figuratively saying - “footpaths”), formed by communicative brand messages, videos with strong associations, play-actors’ behavior in regard to the brand (for instance, buying the brand), brand behavior of itself in regard to society. Such scenarios insinuate themselves into a value system of a certain consumer. So after the consumer accumulates some knowledge baggage about the brand organized as the “footpaths” framework, an inverse process will be possible – real behavior of the representative of the target audience according to this scenario. Typically, the most desired behavior means the consumer to buy brand. It also means the economic effect of brand communications. It is important to emphasize the inverse process seems to be plausible, independent and quite logical for the consumer. But in very deed the inverse process has been provoked by the smart pre-planned psychological effect of the brand communications.

Наталия Юдина о зависимостях в информационном обществе и отвественности маркетологов

According to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), there are two kinds of an elaboration of information: logic and emotions [2]. According to our advanced ELM, a likelihood of the logical elaboration needs a large complex of particular conditions (for instance, the environmental situation that fosters the logical elaboration, consumer’s skills for the logical elaboration or awareness of the brand, one kind of motivations to do this) [3]. But it’s too difficult to achieve such abidance of all these conditions in modern information society because of its special features of much information. Much information has been making people to be indifferent to stimulus [4]. That is why the emotional elaboration of brand communications is much more likely. But it will be possible if the internal emotional stimulus is powerful and corresponds to psychological stereotypes and associations already existed in the consumer’s mindset.

The associations formed by preliminary “treading out the footpaths” can be the reason of reflexive and even unwanted actions. For example, an advertising spot has provoked terrible disorders of football fans [5]. The advertising spot was translating on screen displays during breaks of some football match and after it. The play-actor of the advertising spot had been manipulating a baseball bat by the same way as the football fans were doing. That is why the criminal procedure investigated that the advertising spot was the main reason of riots and arson attacks by football fans that day.

Online-games can be a very perspective tool to form behavior scenarios in consumers’ mindsets. The commercialization of online games and mobile applications markets is increasing. It underlines the great consumers’ demand on them. So, many brands have already used online-games and mobile applications as promotional channels of their communicative programs.

Video 1. DOTA. Part I.

… У меня у них была первая пара, и он ко мне не ходил полсеместра. На первой паре его не было. И потом он приходит и говорит:

Студент: «Я к Вам не ходил…»
Я говорю: «Да, я вижу…»
Он говорит: «А знаете, почему?»
Я говорю: «Ну?» (Просто ж интересно)
Студент: «Я играл в ДОТу. Понимаете, я, вот, первого сентября вот так поставил стул, сел и начал играть. Знаете, какая у меня там коса?! А Вы знаете, как я там выгляжу?!. Знаете, что у меня там есть?! Да я же там герой! И я не мог от этого никак оторваться, у меня зависимость…»

А мне же интересно, что его заставило стать зависимым.

Он говорит: «Я сел, я выиграл. Потом я начал играть и проиграл...» Я говорю: «Что заставляет играть?» Студент: «На слабо. Честно, на слабо. Вот, проиграл, а что, слабо опять выиграть? И начинается игра.»

У него был очень интересный стартап. Он говорит, я хочу «соскочить», перестать играть. Вот, у него был стартап по перепродаже всех тех вещей, которые он там уже накопил.

Он говорит: «Знаете, это будут покупать! А знаете, почему? Потому что там колоссальный оборот. Там деньги тратят за воздух, деньги за электронный продукт, деньги за визуализацию!»

Мне вчера наши маркетологи-геймеры говорят, деньги платятся за визуализацию. И это говорит о том, что если сформируется такая зависимость, то мы будем платить за то, что мы любим делать. А зависимость от интернета уже сформирована…

There were my first lessons and he didn’t come to them for half a semester. He was stopping away from all my first lesson lectures for half a semester. Then he came and told.

The student: ‘I’ve been absent myself from your lectures..’
I: ‘I see...’
The student: ‘Do you know why?’
I: ‘Why?’ (I was really interesting what he would answer).
The student: ‘I’ve been playing DOTA. Can’t you see?… From the 1st of September I’ve put up my chair, sat down and began playing. Don’t you know how long and wonderful plait I have there?! Don’t you know how I look myself there?! Don’t you know what I have there?! I’m a hero there!… And I couldn’t tear myself away from playing. I’ve missed myself, it’s my dependence…’

It was so interesting for me what had made him being depended on it.

He sais: ‘I sat down and won. Then I begun playing again but lost away… It’s like ‘Dare you do it?’ No lie! So I’ve lost. But I’m still going strong, am not I? And the game is beginning again...’

His startup was very interesting! And he said that he wanted to get off his game dependence and stop playing. His startup supposed to resale of all of things he had bought and accumulated during his playing.

He said: ‘You can see it’ll be bought! Do you know why? Because of there is a colossal turnover. Money is spent for air there, for an electronic product. They spend money for visualization!’

Yesterday my marketers-gamers said that they spent money for visualization. Yes! Really! If such dependence is being formed, we’ll spend money for all we like to do! And dependence of the internet is already formed…

If a gamer finds the right key and understands the right scenario of the game, actions he will be promoted to the next game level in most games. That is why the gamer needs to be repeating some actions many times till he finds the key. That helps the gamer to “tread out the footpaths” of the particular actions scenario that corresponds to the particular game situation. If objects, simulated in the game surroundings are too realistic, similar real situation can provoke such behavior of the gamer in his real life.

The computer games in which the gamer kills his computer virtual enemies many times increase the likelihood of the same reaction in reality. The high profile of killing of the father by his son was the horrible example of it [6]. The father wanted to take a keyboard away off his son because the teenager didn’t want to go to bed. The criminal procedure investigated that murder by teenager was completely on a par with the murder scenario of the computer game that the son had been playing before…

Such examples make us to fall into a muse about what kind of psychological tools of the distance contactless impact the marketing specialists have and about the futurological consequences of that… That is why the marketing specialists have to realize and focus on their more important mission and not only the brand economic results.

Video 2. English subtitles will be soon.

… И чем дальше это будет интегрировано, тем более, если это будет бесплатно, к этому привыкнут и станут от этого зависимы так, это уже будет как воздух. Уже отмечается «ломота», когда отключают интернет. Когда в течении суток не заходишь в интернет, уже дискомфорт, уже «депресняк»… А как это восстановить?..

У меня вчера одна девочка говорит (у меня была у них пара), у нее был медленный интернет, и она «доту» (DOTA) качала неделю! После этого она ее не удаляет. Никогда!

Поэтому платить будут. Но это не конец…Это ситуация, в которой мы будем работать…

… The more integrated it’ll be (and the more if it’s free) the more accustomed to it they’ll become. It’ll be like air. It is noted a ‘sick’ when the internet is turned off. When you don’t go on the internet during twenty-four hours, it’s already a discomfort, you are already seemed to be feeling down in the dumps and become a totally torn person… How do you restore it?..

Yesterday one girl told me (it was my lecture with them yesterday) that she had slow internet and she was downloading DOTA for a week! After that she doesn’t delete it! Never!

So that is why they’ll pay for it. But it isn’t the end…It’s a situation that we’ll have for working in...

In the information society it is impossible to elaborate increasing scope of information. Demand on ideologies is growing because they can help people to simplify the processes of making decisions in information chaos [7]. Making decisions by emotional kind of elaboration can be compared with the situation when people cut a long sealed road off by going on the footpath which cuts a corner. So, marketing specialists have the only one way to achieve the desired economic effect. They don’t need to fight with “mosaic thinking” of consumers, the need to use it.

As provided by such approach it needs a very strong emotional impact to provoke the emotional kind of the elaboration of marketing information. But the likelihood of the logical elaboration is low because of mosaic thinking of consumers [9]. Mosaic thinking provokes steady changeover switching attention. It shortens the “footpaths” and tramples them down. It disturbs the process of forming customers’ loyalty to brands (although it isn’t, to put it bluntly, loyalty, because it’s dependence as a result of minimum triple repetition of the same stimulus). That is why mosaic thinking is becoming the self-protection tool of the consumers from negative scenarios that can form psychological dependence...

The marketing crisis needs us to think about implementation of some limitations. If we don’t want catastrophic accidents, human development must be rotated to a rearward direction: not to increase information the brain cannot to elaborate, but to manage this process and, in particularly, to slow-up it [8]. And we need consumers familiar channels and tools (for instance, the services of images / images of the search systems, social media, computer games and so on).

For instance, the ABC book with images makes good use of mosaic thinking for teaching children of reading. Computers games can be one of the effective marketing tool to overcome mosaic thinking. It’s possible because games can involve gamers into the game scenario for a long time. Negative results don’t depend on the computer game in and of itself (it’s the channel for communications only), but they depend on its inscape. The horrifying consequences of computer games confirm games effectiveness. But now it’s important to learn how to use this tool by changing its inscape that is a new material for marketing specialists to thought.

Let me throw this out of my life – how differently the same information inscape can be perceived by the target audience in dependence on the two different ways of information transmission. Although both of these ways are oriented on mosaic thinking… It was a text of the news feed at a news site. The news has grabbed my attention for no other reason than it is a place that is familiar to me. Although it is horrid to think how callous we are becoming…

“Tragedy on the 20th floor of National Library of Ukraine Vernadsky, 5 p.m. Inerting gas leak has been found In the biggest library in Kyiv. The two men dead at the scene. The physical condition of the third man is critical”. It was a text of the news feed at a new site. The news has grabbed my attention because it is just a familiar place to me, although it is horrid to think how callous we are becoming…

Наталия Юдина о зависимостях в информационном обществе и отвественности маркетологов

Fig. 1. PrintScreen from the one of news portals [10].

That day the television news covered the accident too. There were no comments but the real fate was shown in the report.

The parents of the boy of 23 years old arrived on the scene. The boy’s name was Bogdan and he died at the scene. It seemed to me that his parents didn’t realize that reality, all the accident consequences… It seemed that Bogdan’s mother had clothed her raincoat on her bathrobe in a hurry. After the first question to her from the anchormen she went off into a faint. Maybe it was her defence activity to save herself from an on-air interview. But the reaction of Bogdan’s father dressed in a jumpsuit, a pair of houseshoes was very active. He was reacting disproportionately by inertia which could be explained only by his naive faith that it would have been changed… He was reacting very actively… Then I thought about him that “He was inadequate”. He was reacting like he would be able to figure this whole mess out and the situation would be all right… It must be a clumsy mistake… He was asking the correspondents, police officers, custodians, why it had happened. He was calling to the firm director, was crying about who had taken charge, why his son worked although it was day off and so on. Why did he… die? Why was it his son?

The television news duration was near by 60 sec but after it I felt some catalepsy. Next morning I woke up with a heavy heart but I felt myself happy. These feelings were like it would be a nightmare. But after that a horrible thought emerged that the morning didn’t come to Bogdan’s family… Of course, there are many controversies surrounding if such media news are humanly. But some seconds of that news could change me very much. I’ve understood that I have to save myself: not for me but for those who love me. I’ve given serious thought to my risks and my personal safety.

If we waste a chance to form now the right marketing ideology that is efficient for the all humanity we will run out of not only the marketing tools effectiveness but whole entire generations will be lost. If all applied in markets technologies provoke mosaic thinking en masse we need to do something very deferent from the rest of the industry.

The brand communications with the target audiences shouldn't shorten operative memory and foster mosaic thinking. We have to change the communication inscape and propose information to consumers that could provoke more global and indepth thinking and uplift consumers’ thoughts to an other level of their mindset. We need to “plant” beautiful “flowers” into consumers’ minds and “tread” futurological right “footpaths” between them. For that the marketing specialists should review aims of their marketing programs most of which are estimated by the economic benefits only…


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  5. Арбитражный суд подтвердил, что ролик фирмы «Атор» спровоцировал погромы на Манежной площади. —
  6. Могутин Н. Сын убил отца из-за компьютерной игры «Готика». —
  7. Юдина Н.В. Футурологическая идеология маркетинговой деятельности // Крымский экономический вестник. – 2014.- №2 (09) апрель.
  8. Юдина Н.В. Управление будущим на основе стратегии опережающего развития // Научный результат. Серия «Экономические исследования», 2016, vol. 2, issue 2 (8), pages 29-36 -
  9. Юдіна Н.В. Е-learning-маркетинг у постсоціальному суспільстві // Маркетинг і цифрові технології: зб. матеріалів І Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 29-30 травня 2014 р. / Г.О. Оборський, С.В. Філиппова, М.А. Окландер; Одеськ. нац.-ний політехнічний ун-т. – Одеса : ТЕС, 2014. – С. 218-220.
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